Fans of Bernice Summerfield have reason to celebrate today with the release of four new stories. From the Big Finish site, quote;
"1930s Berlin - the party before the end of the world. A city that laughs at the gathering storm. The location of a mysterious alien signal. Bernice Summerfield and the Doctor investigate. What are the Cybermen doing in Berlin? Who are the Ancient Vril? And what horrors lurk beneath the city’s most infamous nightclub?
7.1 Willkommen by James Goss
Why do the Cybermen wish to save the people of Berlin?
7.2 Wulf by Aaron Lamont
A young man returns home - will he save his village or will it save him?
7.3 Übermensch by Rochana Patel
Why does the Doctor want Bernice to join a German archaeological expedition?
7.4 Auf Wiedersehen by Victoria Saxton
Can Bernice Summerfield stop an alien invasion after it has happened?" Unquote

Now available on collection's edition CD and for instant download via the speedy Big Finish website here;
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