How does an immortal deal with death?
What can an ancient Time Lord teach us about real human nature?
Why does the Doctor say he and Freud "got on very well"?
How do the Daleks and Cybermen reflect concerns about losing our humanity?
And what new challenges loom ahead when the Doctor regenerates as a woman?
Hailed as the "most successful sci-fi series ever made" (Guinness World Records), Doctor Who has been a cult-classic for more than half a century. And though time may not be the boss—Rule 408—as times change, so too do social norms and psychological challenges, which have paved the way for a new kind of Doctor who can appeal to the modern viewer.
Revised and updated for our changing times, the second edition of Doctor Who Psychology: Times Change explores the alien in us all. Travis Langley's fascinating in-depth collection delves into the psychology behind the time-traveling Doctor in his many iterations—as men and women—as well as his companions and his foes. With a foreword by Third Doctor Companion Katy Manning, new introduction for the second edition, new chapters, and new interviews with actors who have played the Doctor over the years, Doctor Who Psychology: Times Change travels through the how and why of Who.
Interviews: Peter Davison (Fifth Doctor), Sylvester McCoy (Sixth Doctor), Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor), David Tennant (Tenth, Fourteenth Doctors), Matt Smith (Eleventh Doctor), Peter Capaldi (Twelfth Doctor), Jodie Whittaker (Thirteenth Doctor), Michelle Gomez (Missy, the Master), Alex Kingston (River Song).
Contributors to the second edition include:
Jenna Busch * Erin Currie * Jim Davies * Kristin Erickson * Wind Goodfriend * Daniel Hand * David Kyle Johnson * Billy San Juan * Deirdre Kelly * Alan Kistler * Travis Langley * Katy Manning * Justine Mastin * Matt Munson * Miranda Pollock * Stephen Prescott * Sarita Robinson * Aaron Sagers * Daniel Saunders * Janina Scarlet * William Sharp
Outpost Gallifrey News
What can an ancient Time Lord teach us about real human nature?
Why does the Doctor say he and Freud "got on very well"?
How do the Daleks and Cybermen reflect concerns about losing our humanity?
And what new challenges loom ahead when the Doctor regenerates as a woman?
Hailed as the "most successful sci-fi series ever made" (Guinness World Records), Doctor Who has been a cult-classic for more than half a century. And though time may not be the boss—Rule 408—as times change, so too do social norms and psychological challenges, which have paved the way for a new kind of Doctor who can appeal to the modern viewer.
Revised and updated for our changing times, the second edition of Doctor Who Psychology: Times Change explores the alien in us all. Travis Langley's fascinating in-depth collection delves into the psychology behind the time-traveling Doctor in his many iterations—as men and women—as well as his companions and his foes. With a foreword by Third Doctor Companion Katy Manning, new introduction for the second edition, new chapters, and new interviews with actors who have played the Doctor over the years, Doctor Who Psychology: Times Change travels through the how and why of Who.
Interviews: Peter Davison (Fifth Doctor), Sylvester McCoy (Sixth Doctor), Christopher Eccleston (Ninth Doctor), David Tennant (Tenth, Fourteenth Doctors), Matt Smith (Eleventh Doctor), Peter Capaldi (Twelfth Doctor), Jodie Whittaker (Thirteenth Doctor), Michelle Gomez (Missy, the Master), Alex Kingston (River Song).
Contributors to the second edition include:
Jenna Busch * Erin Currie * Jim Davies * Kristin Erickson * Wind Goodfriend * Daniel Hand * David Kyle Johnson * Billy San Juan * Deirdre Kelly * Alan Kistler * Travis Langley * Katy Manning * Justine Mastin * Matt Munson * Miranda Pollock * Stephen Prescott * Sarita Robinson * Aaron Sagers * Daniel Saunders * Janina Scarlet * William Sharp

Outpost Gallifrey News