Just £30 including P&P (UK only) Compiled by Neil Corry • Foreword by Russell T Davies. OUT NO LATER THAN NOVEMBER 23RD
The history of the brilliant partwork the DOCTOR WHO FIGURINE COLLECTION from the sadly defunct company Eaglemoss is thoroughly explored, figurine by figurine, in the 200-page FLYING ONTO SHELVES. Find out how it came to be, how the figurines were made, who did what and when and why!
Ten years’ worth of amazing – and some not quite so amazing – figurines are examined. This builds into the most complete (and only) story of the DOCTOR WHO FIGURINE COLLECTION ever!
FLYING ONTO SHELVES is a celebration of the Collection, but it doesn’t shy away from the problems that Eaglemoss faced… and how those working on the Collection did their utmost to overcome them!
LIMITED PRINT RUN: *totally unofficial, self-published, not endorsed by the BBC.
Available here: https://merchandise.thedoctorwhosit...elves-the-eaglemoss-doctor-who-figurine-book/
Outpost Gallifrey News
The history of the brilliant partwork the DOCTOR WHO FIGURINE COLLECTION from the sadly defunct company Eaglemoss is thoroughly explored, figurine by figurine, in the 200-page FLYING ONTO SHELVES. Find out how it came to be, how the figurines were made, who did what and when and why!
Ten years’ worth of amazing – and some not quite so amazing – figurines are examined. This builds into the most complete (and only) story of the DOCTOR WHO FIGURINE COLLECTION ever!
FLYING ONTO SHELVES is a celebration of the Collection, but it doesn’t shy away from the problems that Eaglemoss faced… and how those working on the Collection did their utmost to overcome them!
LIMITED PRINT RUN: *totally unofficial, self-published, not endorsed by the BBC.

Available here: https://merchandise.thedoctorwhosit...elves-the-eaglemoss-doctor-who-figurine-book/
Outpost Gallifrey News