The Time Scales has revealed the cover for the upcoming summer of 2022 release The Resurrection Plant by Will Hadcroft.

This new story featuring the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot will be read by Frazer Hines. While the cover includes curious tidbits, hints and details of the story which will be revealed up on it's release, the most resounding revelation is in the fact that this is the latest scheduled calendar 2022 release to be revealed using the Thirteenth Doctor era -Doctor Who- logo. Which of course means that Jodie Whittaker's Doctor will obviously not be regenerating before August of 2022.
This release is now available for preorder by many favorite audiobook retailers such as:
Book Depository (CD Rom - Free Worldwide Dispatch / Shipping)
Outpost Gallifrey News

This new story featuring the Second Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon and Zoe Heriot will be read by Frazer Hines. While the cover includes curious tidbits, hints and details of the story which will be revealed up on it's release, the most resounding revelation is in the fact that this is the latest scheduled calendar 2022 release to be revealed using the Thirteenth Doctor era -Doctor Who- logo. Which of course means that Jodie Whittaker's Doctor will obviously not be regenerating before August of 2022.
This release is now available for preorder by many favorite audiobook retailers such as:
Book Depository (CD Rom - Free Worldwide Dispatch / Shipping)
Outpost Gallifrey News