From Realitime Pictures, quote;
"“I have to come clean and say I was never a DOCTOR WHO fan …”
GLEN McCOY has had a long and varied career as a scriptwriter for television, working on programmes such as ANGELS, EASTENDERS, EMMERDALE and ELDORADO.
He’s also turned his hand to business television, working for companies including VODAPHONE.
However, his greatest love was creating original characters and writing the script for the DOCTOR WHO series TIMELASH, which he also novelised.
A controversial story … and GLEN discusses this candidly with IAN KUBIAK in front of a studio audience at MYTH MAKERS LIVE 2, held at The Colour House Theatre in January 2023"
Available here and now:
Outpost Gallifrey News
"“I have to come clean and say I was never a DOCTOR WHO fan …”
GLEN McCOY has had a long and varied career as a scriptwriter for television, working on programmes such as ANGELS, EASTENDERS, EMMERDALE and ELDORADO.
He’s also turned his hand to business television, working for companies including VODAPHONE.
However, his greatest love was creating original characters and writing the script for the DOCTOR WHO series TIMELASH, which he also novelised.
A controversial story … and GLEN discusses this candidly with IAN KUBIAK in front of a studio audience at MYTH MAKERS LIVE 2, held at The Colour House Theatre in January 2023"

Available here and now:
Outpost Gallifrey News