From Big Finish, quote;
"Geraint fails to notice Chrissie flirting with him. Too late to go back. That’s the story of Geraint’s life. A lot of missed opportunities.
Geraint’s fed up of it all - his dead-end job and his dead-end life. So, he asks his best mate for help. Sort his life out. And Ianto Jones is only too happy to help." Unquote
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"Geraint fails to notice Chrissie flirting with him. Too late to go back. That’s the story of Geraint’s life. A lot of missed opportunities.
Geraint’s fed up of it all - his dead-end job and his dead-end life. So, he asks his best mate for help. Sort his life out. And Ianto Jones is only too happy to help." Unquote

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Outpost Gallifrey News