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  1. Rocco

    News : 04/26/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases The Companion Chronicles: The Second Doctor Volume 03

    Fans of Frazer Hines (Jamie McCrimmon / The Doctor, etc.), Wendy Padbury, Lisa Bowerman, and others have reason to celebrate today with the release of a quartet of fresh new stories by Big Finish. From the Big Finish website, quote; "Four new adventures for the Second Doctor, Jamie and Zoe...
  2. Rocco

    News : 04/20/2022 ~ Out Now - Doctor Who Magazine Special Edition 60 - Action Figures: The Essential Guide

    The latest special edition of Doctor Who Magazine is a lavishly illustrated guide to action figures and other articulated toys inspired by the original run of the series. Packed with exclusive photography and behind-the-scenes details, this publication includes collectibles inspired by the...
  3. Rocco

    News : 04/17/2022 ~ BBC Sounds Releases Doctor Who Redacted

    Now available at : "Mixing a scripted audio drama with a conspiracy theory podcast is a fresh idea for Doctor Who, and makes for a surprisingly enjoyable narrative format; exploring the strange world of Doctor Who through three regular podcasters is...
  4. Rocco

    News : 04/13/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases Doctor Who Unbound: Doctor of War 1: Genesis

    Fans of Colin Baker, Nicola Bryant and Geoffrey Beevers have reason to celebrate today with the release of three new stories in the Big Finish Doctor Who Unbound series and the first lease since 2008. From the Big Finish website, quote; "Times have changed. A choice was made and the...
  5. Rocco

    News : 04/12/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases The Outlaws

    Fans of the William Hartnell era have reason to celebrate today with the release of two new stories by Big Finish. "Brand new adventures for the Doctor and Dodo. 1.1 The Outlaws by Lizbeth Myles (4 parts) Landing in 13th-century Lincoln, the Doctor and Dodo are soon caught up in the battle...
  6. Rocco

    News : 04/06/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases Stranded 4

    Fans of Paul McGann and the Stranded series have reason to celebrate today with the release of a quartet of tales in the finale of this popular box set series. Gleaned from the Big Finish announcement these four new stories are; 4.1 Crossed Lines by Matt Fitton The Doctor interrupts a pivotal...
  7. Rocco

    News : 03/30/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases Mind of the Hodiac "Lost" Russell T. Davies Story

    Fans of Russell T. Davies, Colin Baker and Bonnie Langford have high time to celebrate today with the release of the "Lost" story Mind of the Hodiac. Now available on collector's edition CD and for instant download at the speedy Big Finish website here...
  8. Rocco

    News : 03/23/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases Torchwood: The Black Knight

    Fans of Torchwood have reason to celebrate today with the release of Torchwood: The Black Knight. Available now for instant download and on collector's edition CD from the speedy Big Finish website here: Rocco Outpost...
  9. Rocco

    News : 03/16/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 11: Solo

    Fans of Tom Baker and the Fourth Doctor have two new reasons to celebrate today, with the release of The Fourth Doctor Adventures Series 11: Solo. From the Big Finish website, quote; "11.1 Blood of the Time Lords by Timothy X Atack The book known as The Dischord Grimoire is an incredibly...
  10. Rocco

    News : 03/10/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases The Avengers Comic Strip Adaptions Volume 6

    Fans of Steed & Mrs Peel have reason to celebrate today with a trio of new tales in the Avengers Comic Strip Adaptions series. Now available on CD and instant download via the speedy Big Finish website here...
  11. Rocco

    News : 03/03/2022 ~ BBC Releases Timelash : 6th Doctor Novelisation

    Colin Baker reads this dynamic novelisation of a TV adventure featuring the Sixth Doctor and Peri. The inhabitants of the planet Karfel are suffering under the tyrannical rule of their leader, the Borad, who has brought his world to the brink of interplanetary war. Those who dare to oppose the...
  12. Rocco

    News : 03/03/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases UNIT: Nemesis 2: Agents of the Vulpreen

    Fans of UNIT have reason to celebrate today with the release of a new quartet of tales - UNIT: Nemesis 2: Agents of the Vulpreen From the Big Finish website "UNIT has stopped the Eleven’s efforts to retrieve the...
  13. Rocco

    News : 03/02/2022 - BBC Releases Beyond The Doctor : Sleeper Agents by Paul Magrs - Read by Anneke Wills

    Fans of Paul Magrs, Anneke Wills and the Doctor Who : Beyond The Doctor audio series have reason to celebrate today. Book Depository and Amazon UK began shipping this brand new CD on March 1st and 2nd, 2022. It is entirely possible that physical CD's will arrive in the mailboxes of lucky...
  14. Rocco

    News : 02/24/2022 - Big Finish Releases Space 1999 Volume 02 - Earthbound

    Fans of Space 1999 have reason to celebrate today with a trio of new tales in the Space 1999 saga. From the Big Finish website, quote; "These are dark times on Moonbase Alpha, and along comes an opportunity to return home to Earth. For one of the Alphans, this is the end of their journey…...
  15. Rocco

    News : 02/22/2022 - Big Finish Releases Torchwood 59 - Sonny

    Fans of Torchwood have reason to celebrate today with the release of Big Finish Torchwood #59 : Sonny by Lizzie Hopley. From the Big Finish website, quote; "Sonny is the answer to elderly care. Artificially intelligent robot carers placed in old peoples’ homes that mimic the behaviour of...
  16. Rocco

    News : 02/16/2022 - Big Finish Releases The Ninth Doctor Adventures : Old Friends

    Fans of Christopher Eccleston and his Ninth Doctor have reason to celebrate today with the release of a trio of new tales in Big Finish's Old Friends which was released today on Christoper Eccleston's birthday. From the Big Finish website, quote; "Travelling the universe alone, the Doctor...
  17. Rocco

    News : 02/15/2022 - Big Finish Releases Short Trips : Volume 11

    Fans of Big Finish Short Trips have half a dozen new reasons to celebrate today with the release of Volume 11. From the Big Finish website, quote; "An audiobook anthology of six new Doctor Who short stories. Rearguard by Alfie Shaw Trooper Stron has been given a great honour by Sontar. He’s...
  18. Rocco

    News : 02/11/2022 - Big Finish Big News : Stephen Noonan is the First Doctor

    Big Finish has made a surprise announcement today that Stephen Noonan will perform as the first Doctor with first release scheduled as early as April 2022. Rocco Outpost Gallifrey News Chicago
  19. Rocco

    News : 02/10/2022 ~ Big Finish Releases Survivors New Dawn 2

    Fans of Terry Nation's Survivors have reason to celebrate today with the release of Survivors New Dawn 2 by Big Finish. This trio of tales is now available on collectors edition CD and for instant download from the speedy Big Finish website here...
  20. Rocco

    News : 02/09/2022 ~ Titan Releases Doctor Who Comic : Empire of the Wolf #3.4

    Fans of Titan Doctor Who Comics, Rose Tyler and the Eighth and Tenth Doctors have reason to celebrate today with the release of the final part of Empire of the Wolf. Now available at your favorite comic source. Rocco Outpost Gallifrey News Chicago